How to tell if a conspiracy theory is probably false...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Arriving at our summer retreat in Margaree Forks, Nova Scotia, on Cape Breton Island, after a long drive from Florida, I anticipated the serene beauty of Big Brook and the majestic expanse of the...

When we say such things as "You hurt me," "You made me do it," "You made me angry," or "You make me crazy” we are giving in to the impulse to blame our feelings externally. Blaming others for what...

How your vision can predict dementia 12 years before it is diagnosed – new study.

Can I take your order – and your data? The hidden reason retailers are replacing staff with AI bots.

Trump promises to deport all undocumented immigrants, resurrecting a 1950s strategy − but it didn’t work then and is less likely to do so now

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Dana Ullman
Pain is an inherent protective device that nature has given us. It is sometimes difficult to acknowledge the value of pain while one is experiencing its wrath. Still, pain is absolutely essential for...
Deaths in children from asthma are growing at an alarming rate. One can't help but wonder if the powerful steroidal drugs that are used to control symptoms and that also suppress immune function play...
Not too long ago, the most common advice for ulcer patients was to eat a bland diet. As it turns out, there is no real evidence that spicy foods cause or exacerbate ulcers. There are, however, certain...