Are These Things Addictive? Salt, Sugar, Fat

You may have jokingly said, as you weren't able to put down that bag of chips or cookies, that those darned things were addictive. Well, it turns out you were right all along. Investigative reporter Michael Moss (author of the book Salt Sugar Fat) researched the methods used by the food industry to make us "unable to resist" their junk food, and what he found was a precise and incredibly scientific method to their madness.

He speaks of companies who have hundreds of people and computers working on discovering the exact percentage of sugar, salt, and fat to make the food just "melt in your mouth" and make you feel like you have tapped into what they call the "bliss point". And the industry speaks of "vanishing caloric density"... which means you eat the food and it just seems to you like there's no calories because it just melts away in your mouth...

The sad thing, or maybe this is what gives us hope, is that the men who are responsible for this are aware that these foods are bad for people's health. So why do they do it? The pressure from Wall Street and the need for big profits. 

Do they eat this food they so precisely create for us? No! They know better! Watch this enlightening (and entertaining) interview.

Michael Moss Extended Interview Pt. 1

In this exclusive, unedited interview, "Salt Sugar Fat" author Michael Moss explains the science behind making the perfect processed snack food.

Michael Moss Extended Interview Pt. 2

In this exclusive, unedited interview, Michael Moss talks "Salt Sugar Fat," and reveals a troubling secret about Betty Crocker.

Recommended book:

Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us
by Michael Moss.

Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss.From a Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative reporter at The New York Times comes the explosive story of the rise of the processed food industry and its link to the emerging obesity epidemic. Michael Moss reveals how companies use salt, sugar, and fat to addict us and, more important, how we can fight back.

Click here for more info and/or to order this book.