The existence of a personally accessible, collective cosmic memory bank has been proposed not just by scientists and mystics but also by philosophers, biologists, and psychologists around the...

We are all intimately interconnected in this web of life. Since the beginning of time, people have been deeply connected to the natural world, relating to it as a source of food, shelter,...

While I knew I had learned a lot about myself on this trip, I also knew there was a lot of work ahead of me. This was a big step in my healing journey, and I knew it wasn’t the last.

How supermarkets are changing their branding to make you think they’re cheaper

Latest inflation figures are good news – even if they give a lot of people heartburn

5 thoughts for new college grads seeking to find the right balance between meaningful work and making money

The metaverse could change our religious experiences, and create new ones

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AJ Earley
For the purposes of this series, I’m using the term “empath” to describe individuals who are highly sensitive to the emotions of others, and not the traditional science fiction version that refers to...
Fasting has been used for centuries as both a remedy and a booster in all areas of health: physical, mental, and emotional. In the 21st century, fasting is often looked down upon. It is left out of an...
I was beyond frustrated. I felt extremely hopeless. I believed that I had zero options, despite the fact that I could no longer remain in the same physical or mental state. My bills had piled up so mu...
The path to true happiness is not a singular paved road. Sometimes you’ll circle back to the same spot several times before you realize you’ve got to try a different route. The best way to avoid that...
I should be grateful that I got an opportunity that so many don’t: to say “I love you,” before someone dies. I should feel lucky, right? I should feel endlessly lucky that that’s the last thing we eve...
Unfortunately, life isn’t all sunshine and daisies. Here are some great thoughts from some great people for those times when life seems more like a kerfuffle with quicksand than a day at the beach.
Children are not as adept as adults at understanding complex emotions like stress, and aren’t likely to be able to tell you when they have too much on their plate. A child who is stressed out isn’t li...
No matter what your field, or how much you love your job, you’re always going to have days that drain you. Days where you feel exhausted and stressed, days that you are happy to see come to an end. Wh...
A good night’s sleep is a crucial aspect to overall health and well-being, yet so many Americans are lacking in that department. A 2013 Gallup poll found that 40% of American adults get less than the...