The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

The joy of birdwatching: research shows it can improve mental health and foster a sense of wellbeing

How cannabis and psilocybin might help some of the 50 million Americans who are experiencing chronic pain

Cramming for an exam isn’t the best way to learn – but if you have to do it, here’s how

  This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended...

The existence of a personally accessible, collective cosmic memory bank has been proposed not just by scientists and mystics but also by philosophers, biologists, and psychologists around the...

We are all intimately interconnected in this web of life. Since the beginning of time, people have been deeply connected to the natural world, relating to it as a source of food, shelter,...

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Barbara Marx Hubbard
I strongly advocate cultivating an inner receptivity, an inner listening and attunement to the signals of the Essential Self. These intuitions are the way the deeper self informs us and guides us. If...
This shared planetary purpose goes beyond any existing proj­ect or organization. It is our challenge to discover how to facilitate social synergy, the coming together of separate people and projects t...
The history of our species is brutal, tragic in the cruelty we have afflicted upon one another, upon other species, and upon Earth herself. Our situation has come to a critical stage. Are there some h...
Conscious evolution encourages all groups to come together and compose a great and magnificent matrix in which to flourish: creating new communications, arts, sciences, education, busi­ness, environme...
I found myself driven and compulsive about my work, trapped in a struggle to get the job done. Although I was urging and encouraging others to experience a positive future in their lives, now I was no...
We are on a long journey together, yet this is just the begin­ning of our new lives and of our work in co-creating new worlds. We are a growing band of pioneering souls scattered in every culture, fie...