Written and Narrated by Pam Younghans.

Current week's astrological overview

Astrological Overview: December 13 - 19, 2021

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly astrological journal based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.

Aspects of Note this Week:

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. (For Eastern Time, add 3 hours; For Greenwich Mean Time, add 8 hours.)

MON: Mars enters Sagittarius, Mercury enters Capricorn
TUE: Mars opposite Ceres
WED: Sun trine Eris, Mars conjunct South Node
THU: Sun semisquare Saturn
FRI: Sun sesquiquadrate Uranus 
SAT: Mercury square Chiron, Full Moon 8:35 p.m. PST
SUN: Venus stations retrograde, Chiron stations direct, Sun sextile Jupiter

AT THE HEART of the Milky Way galaxy, about 27,000 light years from Earth, is a supermassive black hole called the Galactic Center (GC). Our entire solar system revolves around this point in space, which is located at about 27°04´ Sagittarius when viewed from Earth.

This Friday's Full Moon occurs when the Moon is at 27°28´ Gemini, exactly opposite the Sun in Sagittarius. This means the Sun will be tightly aligned with the GC at the time of the Full Moon, drawing its vast energies into our experience of the current timeline.

ASTROLOGER Philip Sedgwick is noted for his research into galactic anomalies. He writes that the GC initiates a process that is similar to when we "defrag" our computers...

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Continue Reading at InnerSelf.com (plus audio/mp3 version of article)

Music By Caffeine Creek Band, Pixabay


TRANSLATION and AUDIO/VIDEO VERSION: This weekly Journal is now recorded (in English) AND the text is transcribed into 30 languages! You'll see a row of flags under "Available Languages" in the upper right. And, there are options to listen to the audio (in English)  or watch a video directly beneath the photo (see top of page).

The Journal entry is usually updated by Sunday evening, with the recordings appearing late Sunday or by Monday depending on your time zone. Please share this information with those who might benefit.


For previous weeks of the Astrological Journal, click here.


About the Author

Pam YounghansPam Younghans is a professional astrologer, editor, and writer. She lives in a log home northeast of Seattle, Washington with her beloved animal companions. She has been interpreting charts professionally for over 25 years. If you are interested in an astrology reading, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or leave a message at 425.445.3775.

For more information about NorthPoint Astrology offerings, please visit northpointastrology.com or visit her Facebook page.