butterfly sitting in open hands
Image by Triggermouse 

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we focus on being, and doing... in that order... First we must get in touch with who we are, our vision for the future, and then, we do what we must do to make those dreams come true. Our featured articles take us from Renewal and Transformation: This Is Who You Are!, to getting in touch with the Light Calling From The Abyss, to a Call to Action! We Must Make A Difference

It's essential that we get clear on what is true for us, claim our power, and live accordingly. As Pam Younghans mentions in this week's Astrological Journal (Week of January 10 - 16, 2022):

"As humans, we can tend to give our power away to the emotional need of the moment. Stepping back from a reactive response is often a first step in taking back our power. Once we do that, the fear or anger that was driving the urgency is no longer holding the reins. The calmness we feel after taking a step back comes from our higher self, which is waiting for us to turn to it for guidance and support."

Please scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


Some of the featured articles are also in audio and video formats.
See each article for the links.

Renewal and Transformation: This Is Who You Are!

 Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com
dandelion in seed stage in various colors
We are constantly in the process of renewing ourselves and transforming. Physically, we are continually growing new cells. 

Renewal and Transformation: This Is Who You Are! (Video)

Light Calling From The Abyss

 Laura Aversano, Affirmations of the Light in Times of Darkness
woman standing over an abyss
My prayer is that we all create a space for the darkness to birth a new way of seeing, sensing, feeling and relating. When held in the threshold of the Divine, any darkness can serve a higher purpose,...

Light Calling From The Abyss (Video)

Call to Action! We Must Make A Difference

 Pierre Pradervand, 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World
the face of an old man in profile with the face of a baby looking at him
“Spiritual activism is a practice that brings together the otherworldly and inward-focused work of spirituality and the outwardly-focused work of activism (which focuses on the conditions of the material or physical world).”

innerself subscribe graphic

Call to Action! We Must Make A Difference (Video)

How To Overcome Regret That Can Be All-Consuming

Kim Penberthy, University of Virginia
a woman at a computer with her hands covering her face
Regret is a very real reaction to a disappointing event in your life, a choice you made that can’t be changed, something you said that you can’t take back...

Why Vegetarian "Meat" Doesn’t Always Mean Healthy

 Meghan McGee, University of Toronto
woman tasting food as it is cooking
Plant-based meats are often high in sodium, ultra-processed and not any healthier than the meat they imitate. Meanwhile, nearly half of the consumers think they are more nutritious.

What’s The Difference Between Sugar, Other Natural Sweeteners, and Artificial Sweeteners?

 Kristine Nolin, University of Richmond
What’s The Difference Between Sugar, Other Natural Sweeteners, and Artificial Sweeteners?
A quick walk down the drink aisle of any corner store reveals the incredible ingenuity of food scientists in search of sweet flavors.

If You Can’t Outrun Your Fork, Exercise Can’t Help

 Cassandra J. Lowe, Western University
Two young men jogging in exercise clothes
Many individuals will begin strenuous exercise programs that incorporate too much exercise too soon, leading to fitness burnout or injury.

How We Got Our Taste For Sweets

 Stephen Wooding, University of California, Merced
hand reaching out and picking blackberries
People’s love for sweet is so visceral, food companies lure consumers to their products by adding sugar to almost everything they make...

There Are 4 Plant-based Foods To Eat Every Week

 Clare Collins, University of Newcastle
4 foods to eat
Plant-based foods are good sources of healthy nutrients. These include different types of dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals, and a range of “phytonutrients”, which plants produce to help them grow or protect them from pathogens and pests.

Time Management Will Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick

 Brad Aeon, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
keep resolutions
Time management will allow you to carve out time for all the things you want to accomplish.

How To Push Back Against Those Who Exploit Uncertainty

 Paul Frost, Trent University; et al
silhouette of a woman facing two signs: this way and that way
Sometimes the demand for absolute certainty can be dangerous and even deadly. Despite this, demands for absolute or near certainty are a common way for those with a political agenda to undermine science and to delay action. 

Is The Key To Happiness Experiencing The Flow?

 Richard Huskey, University of California, Davis
A man paints on canvas in a studio.
People often say flow is like “being in the zone.” Psychologists Jeanne Nakamura and Csíkszentmihályi describe it as something more.

Have Our Ethics Been Fundamentally Changed?

 Hugh Breakey, Griffith University
a giant hand flicking off a male figure
Our lives have changed in unprecedented ways. We have been required to obey demanding new rules and accept new risks, making enormous changes to our daily lives.

How To Eat Healthily Like It Was The 1600s

 Catie Gill, and Sara Read, Loughborough University
salad with edible flowers
When we think of food in the past, it is often images of Henry VIII with a table groaning with meat dishes that springs to mind. But in fact our ancestors knew more about the health benefits of eating salads – normally thought of as a cold dish of herbs or vegetables – than we might think.

Horoscope: Week of January 10 - 16, 2022

 Pam Younghans, NorthPoint Astrology
Crazy auroras including red. Taken by Rayann Elzein on January 8, 2022 @ Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.

Horoscope: Week of January 10 - 16, 2022 (Video)


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